What’s going on:

  • Call To Serve – Serve One Another

    If you’re looking to get connected with others, opportunities to serve people, or a place to belong, then this is for you!

    We understand how valuable it is to be a part of a team and to serve the people and the families that call Northpoint home. So throughout the year at different times, we offer serving opportunities to get involved and get to know others through serving.

    Starting May 5, you will have the opportunity to sign up and join a team – using your gifts to love others and serve your church and your community.

  • Rooted Together Worship Night

    Attention ladies, we are so excited to invite you to our Rooted Together Worship Night, Friday May 17 at 6:00pm.

    This is a night for all women of all ages to enter into a time of prayer and worship, together. All women are welcome, so bring a friend! This is a free event, coffee and dessert are provided. Doors open at 6:00pm, see you there!